Good Shepherd Nashville | Anglican
Kingdom Rooted, Formed Together

Our Team

Get to know us


Our Staff

At Good Shepherd, our staff plays a vital role in the life of our parish. They are not only responsible for the day-to-day operations, but they also embody the values and mission of our parish. From the dedicated clergy who provide spiritual guidance and pastoral care, to the skilled administrators who ensure the smooth functioning of parish life, our staff serves with love, commitment, sacrifice, and hospitality.

Isabelle Aleixo

Parish Administrator

Rachel Wilhelm

Director of Music & Arts

The Rev. Derek Axelson




Our Vestry

The vestry is a body of qualified leaders within the parish who share with the Rector the responsibility for oversight of parish life and ministry. Specific responsibilities include: (1) assisting to maintain the vision and mission of the parish through thought, word, and deed, (2) ensuring adequate resources are available for leadership and financial stewardship, (3) managing appropriate policies and procedures as related to the parish, and (4) overseeing church property and all business and legal affairs of the parish. Our vestry consists of the following members:

  • Mary Bernard, Sr. Warden

  • Blake Tidwell, Jr. Warden

  • Madison Fisher, Secretary

  • Janie Ledyard

  • Glen Burke

  • Fr. Austin Becton

Our Assisting Clergy

At Good Shepherd, we have been generously blessed with a number of assisting, or volunteer, clergy. While they have other vocations outside our local parish, we appreciate their willingness to serve and support our parish and broader communities.

Our Bishop & Diocese

Diocesean Bishops are the chief shepherds and leaders of their respective dioceses. This means that Bishop Todd carries the ultimate authority and shepherding over our parish and diocese, Churches for the Sake of Others. As chief shepherd, Bishop Todd plays a key role in the general oversight and governance of the Church—both in our diocese and in the broader province.