Good Shepherd Nashville | Anglican
Kingdom Rooted, Formed Together


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Serving Together

Wanting to get more involved? If you have been attending our parish for at least six months, we invite you to join one of our serving teams! We have needs ranging from children’s spiritual formation to music to ushering—wonderful opportunities to get connected with others, practice generosity of our time and talents, and participate in the life of the parish.

More on our Current Volunteer Teams


Acolytes are responsible for processing the cross and torches. Additionally, acolytes assist with leading the Nicene Creed, the Prayers of the People, and serving the Chalice. Acolytes vest when they serve.

Scripture Reading

In every Eucharist service, we read assigned scriptures from the lectionary usually consisting of an Old Testament lesson (“The First Lesson”), a Psalm, a New Testament lesson (“The Second Lesson”), and a Gospel lesson. The First and Second Lessons are read by our volunteer Lesson Readers.


The Usher team brings the Eucharistic elements to the Celebrant at the Offertory, collects the offering from the congregation, and assists with dismissing the congregation to receive the Eucharist. Additionally, the ushers assist with help provided guests directions, getting people seated, and ensuring the sanctuary is neatly arranged and tidy.


During the Eucharist, people are invited to receive prayer. Additionally, Fr. Austin or other staff members will occasionally send our special prayer requests to our prayer team. If you have a heart from prayer consider joining this team.


If you have musical talent ranging from singing to playing an instrument to managing sound, we’d love for you to partner with us.

Nursery & Kids (Ages 0-12)

As members of the Body of Christ, they bring a unique and precious gift to our worship, fellowship, and discipleship. Recognizing the importance of children in the Church allows us to cherish and appreciate their presence, not just as the future of the Church, but as valued participants in the here and now. Jesus Himself offers us a profound reminder of the significance of children in the Church. In Mark 10:13-16, we witness the Lord inviting little children to come to Him, affirming that the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. By embracing children, Jesus challenges us to value and cherish their innocence, simplicity, and genuine faith. While children benefit greatly from the nurturing and guidance of adults who invest in their spiritual growth, so too do we benefit from their examples. As a community, we have the privilege and responsibility to teach them about the faith, the Bible, and the ways of Jesus and his Church. By providing consistent and intentional discipleship opportunities, we help nurture their relationship with God and prepare them to live out their calling as followers of Christ on mission in and for the sake of the world. It is a great privilege and responsibility to serve our kids.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild team is responsible for caring for the linens, including hand washing and ironing. Additionally, they assist with the weekly preparation of the credence table for the Eucharist.

Welcome & Hospitality

The Welcome & Hospitality team is in charge of assembling the refreshments table on Sunday mornings, including brewing coffee and prepping teas. They then greet congregants and pass out liturgy booklets to congregants as they enter the building. Once service ends, they clean up the refreshments table.