Life Together
At Good Shepherd, Table Groups have become a beautiful space to share in God’s Kingdom hospitality together. These are intended to be safe, welcoming spaces where we can be truly known, deeply loved, and faithfully companioned. In these gatherings, we share the joy of life together, offering and receiving the kind of grace-filled community that reflects the heart of Christ. These groups meet in homes across the city with the simple and sacred goal of sharing a meal and building relationships. They provide a way to experience connection and care, but they are just one of several ways to stay rooted in our parish community. We do not expect everyone to be in a group, nor do our staff always participate. What matters most is that our life together reflects the openness and generosity of God’s love.
Below, you will find a list of Table Groups meeting around the city. You are warmly invited to reach out to a host and join a group. If you need any help, please feel free to contact Mthr. Suzie at